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Year 2


Miss S. Crispin - Year 2 Leader/ Class Teacher (2C)

Miss K. Blake - Year 2 Class Teacher (2B)

Miss T. Medway/ Mrs E. O'Neill - Year 2 Class Teachers (2MO)

Year 2 information:

PE - Year 2 have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure no earrings are worn on these days, and that all long hair is tied back. The children should come into school in their kits

Library - Year 2 will have access to library books every Tuesday. Please ensure that library books are returned so that they can be exchanged for a new one. 

Homework - Homework will be given out on a Friday. Please make sure that it is returned to school by the following Wednesday to allow time for marking. Each week the children will have the following homework:

-  A spellings sheet based on their phonics group. 

- A reading or writing task. 

- A Maths task based upon the learning from the week.


In Year 2 children have many different spellings to learn over the course of the year. Some of these words will be topic based, some will be phonics based, and some will be words from the Year 2 Common Word list. It is expected that most children are able to read these words in books and spell them in their writing by the end of Year 2.      Year 2 Common Exception Word List.docx