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Travel to School


Find out more here: Tales of the Road – THINK!

We are offering children the opportunity to walk scoot or cycle more than they might normally and will be sharing some road safety tips ready for the darker nights.  Some of the older children may find the videos on YouTube a helpful reminder of what can go wrong.  Please be mindful before sharing as they contain very hard hitting messages but are recommended for KS2 children Age 7 and up.  

All three videos can be viewed here: 

Bike it / Active Travel

Here at Foundry Lane we are committed to promoting active travel to and from school.  We are aiming to reduce congestion and pollution around the roads surrounding our school and the best way to do this is to come to school by cycling or scooting!  We are actively promoting  ‘park and stride’ or ‘park and ride’!   We continue to work with Sustrans and My Journey.