Admissions Information
Starting School - Early Years Overview Year R
At Foundry Lane, we pride ourselves on our exceptional Early Years curriculum, which is designed to provide our children with a seamless transition from nursery and preschool into primary school, to give them continuity in their learning journey.
Admissions Information
- Year R Places - 60 Children
- Year 1 Places - 60 Children
- Year 2 Places - 60 Children
- Year 3 Places - 90 Children
- Year 4 Places - 90 Children
- Year 5 Places - 90 Children
- Year 6 Places - 90 Children
Southampton City Council administer the school applications process, and you can apply for a place from the start of November to mid-January, for your child to start school in the following September.
You can view the exact opening and closing dates
All applications we receive will be treated and ranked equally based on the criteria in our Admissions Policy.
Admissions Policy 2023_24
Admissions Appeals
Any parent or guardian who has been refused a school place for their child has the right to appeal the decision. If you are not allocated a place at a preferred school, you have the right to an independent appeal. You can appeal for more than one school. If you are not offered a place at your first preference school, Southampton City Council will send you appeal guidance with your allocation letter.
Further details on the appeals process can be found here:
In-year transfers
'In-Year transfers' are when pupils transfer from one school to another during an academic year (not at the start of one) and need an immediate school placement. This could be because you're moving home, or are unhappy with the school they currently attend. Parents/Carers will need to complete an In Year Transfer application on the Southampton City Council website.
In-year transfer - changing schools
Open Days 2025
Our open day sessions are a great way for you and your child to take a look around our learning environment, chat our staff and explore what makes Foundry Lane so special.
- Tuesday 7th January - 4:00pm
Call or email the main office to book a place for one of our open sessions.
Telephone: 023 8077 4814