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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Homepage

Hello Year 3,

On this page, you will find information about what we are learning in school and the ways you could support your child's learning at home.

Your teachers this year are: Miss Boulain (Year 3 leader and 3B class teacher), Mrs Cousens (3C) and Miss Lyon-Maris (3L)

Curriculum overview

Thank you for all your hard work so far this year, year 3. We hope you enjoy your Christmas break and therefore you have no homework. 

If you wish to do some, revise your spellings, read or go on TTRockstars.


Here are the expectations for homework.  Given on a Thursday and due back on a Tuesday. It can be handed in on Wednesday, but may not be marked.

Reading - 5 days a week.

Spelling - Practise the spellings given in the homework book. 

TTRockstars- 5 days a week.

Initial or tick the box on the learning record log.  The learning record runs to a Thursday, but if your child wishes to bring it in any other day then the teacher can look over it, mark it and had it straight back for ease. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding this week. Homework was planned for, but did not go out yesterday. Miss Boulain will mark all homework books as none are marked this week and will give out homework next week. If they wish to practise spellings, they can use the mat below to pick some words to practise. 

Year 3 spelling mat


We are currently operating staggered start and finish times and entry and exit from the school site is via a one way system. This will continue in September. Parents are currently unable to enter any of the school buildings and this will also continue in September. This is a change from our arrangements prior to the pandemic and we are sad that parents won’t be able to drop their children off in their classrooms, however, we need to do all we can to reduce the potential risk of transmission of COVID-19 and balance this with the wellbeing of our children. We are very proud of how the children currently in school have adapted to this system of arriving and departing from school and are confident that with our support, all pupils will be able to adapt quickly to this. 

The proposed arrangements for September are as follows:

        Arrival Time Departure Time

Year R 8.45am 3pm*

Year 1 9am 3.15pm

Year 2 9am 3.15pm

Year 3 8.45am 3.15pm

Year 4 8.45am 3.15pm

Year 5 8.30am 3pm

Year 6 8.30am 3pm

*from Monday 12th October

Entry to the school site will be via the gate by the bike sheds on the Foundry Lane playground or via the Imperial Avenue gate only . Exit from the site will be via the main Foundry Lane gate or the English Road gate only. If you are collecting multiple children from the school site, a map of the one way system will be provided nearer to September so that you can see the best entry point, one way route and possible exit points to suit your collection needs.

Please note that all of the above is subject to change if guidance changes. It will inevitably take some time for everyone to work their way through the one way system and drop children off at their classrooms. We will be on hand to guide and support you through this process until it becomes a more natural process. Please bear with us in the early days as we will all be learning together and our aim is to keep everybody safe. We have done our best to anticipate any potential issues and mitigate these but until we run the system in full, we will not know whether there is anything that we haven’t planned for.

  • Phonic Play
    For phonics games - If you are in a phonics group this is great for daily practise.

Welcome to Year 3 

On this page we shall share with you the current term's topic, important dates and general information.


The class teachers in Year 3 are Miss Boulain ( Year Leader and 3B class teacher), Miss Menditta (3M) and Mrs Horsfall (3H).


P.E. will usually be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please ensure your child has kit and a change of footwear for outside games in school all week as sometimes we have extra P.E. sessions. 


Homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in by the next Wednesday.  This allows children the weekend and some extra time to complete tasks, as well as time for teachers to mark homework.  Work will consolidate learning in class and provides an opportunity for your child to share his/her learning with you at home.

Homework usually includes: 

* spellings to be learned or a spelling task

* reading task 

* one other task; either Maths, Literacy or Topic.